A few years ago, I went out to lunch with an acquaintance and her adolescent identical twin boys. One of the boys accidentally knocked something off the table. What struck me about that incident was his twin’s reaction. Rather than expressing a more typical sibling response, such as calling his brother a name or making fun of him, the bystander twin was thoroughly humiliated and ashamed. He reacted as if both were responsible for the accident. In many of my […]
It’s Never Too Late
Simon and Sid are forty-year-old identical twin men who reside in Europe. They live together, work at the same company, and until very recently sat next to each other on the same working team. Aside from a brief period in their early twenties when they worked at separate companies, they have been together. A few months ago, Sid moved from one department to another in their company. The change was unexpected. A position opened and Sid was asked to fill […]
You Want to See Me Fail
My twin patient “Linda” described going through a very rough patch with her significant other. While she was able to be supportive of him, Linda was flooded with intrusive thoughts about how gleeful her twin sister would be if her partner suffered a tremendous loss. She felt terrifying guilt about having such “evil” thoughts about her sister. She did not understand where they were coming from and was worried that I must think she is a terrible, sick person. After […]
Twin Caretaking: Benevolence or Bereavement?
Mothers taking care of their infants delight in the reciprocal feedback that occurs between the two of them. The sleepless nights, the feeling of being out of control and overwhelmed, and the loss of predictability and consistency in one’s life can be beautifully modulated by the capacity to soothe the baby and see the signs and signals of recognition for all that hard work—the beautiful smile that the baby beams to his mother when they are together. I think about […]
How Does Being a Twin Impact the Therapeutic Relationship?
People often ask me if I have specialized in the treatment of twins my entire career. The answer is no. While I always had a need to understand how my twinship experience shaped my developmental experiences, this emphasis was more personal than professional in the beginning years of my psychotherapy practice. However, after my fraternal twin sons were born and I became a mother of twins, my psychological understanding of twin attachment deepened. My focus on twin pregnancy, twin births, […]