Tag Archives: twins

Twin Travails

High school–age twins frequently contact me via my website to request help with a project or paper about twin relationships. Most of them research issues or ideas that resonate with their developmental experiences. The other day, three female sixteen-year-olds—an identical twin pair and a fraternal twin—asked for my assistance with a presentation they were preparing for a school assembly. I suggested that they discuss some of the challenges that twins encounter growing up, since most people are incredulous to learn […]



Twins who grew up in the role of the caretaker often struggle to not repeat that behavior in other intimate relationships. Even when a twin successfully discards this role with her sibling, she may consciously or unconsciously duplicate this behavior with friends, other family members, and significant others. An adult twin woman in her thirties, whom I will call Cherie, continually gets herself in trouble by putting the needs of her friends first. She has tremendous difficulty saying no to […]


Think Twice: You’re My Twin, Not My Parent

Parents who have adult children involved with partners whom they dislike know better than to share unsolicited opinions. Perhaps they learned through earlier mishaps or were advised by close friends that disclosing unwanted judgments or advice can cement their son or daughter’s commitment to what is perceived as an ill-fated outcome. This quandary became the topic of conversation with an identical twin gentleman in his fifties whom I will call Kurt. He contacted me because he was feeling estranged from […]


Making and Keeping Friends Outside the Twinship

Christina Baglivi Tinglof is a mother of fraternal twin boys and the author of My Twin Pregnancy Week by Week, Double Duty, and Parenting School-Age Twins and Multiples. The following article, published on June 19, 2018, is reprinted with her permission from her blog, Talk About Twins. Why Is It So Hard for My Twins to Make Friends? Christina Baglivi Tinglof Question: My husband and I have 14-year-old fraternal twin boys. We meet regularly with other parents of twins to see if we are experiencing any […]


A Grandmother’s Twin Tale

When new acquaintances get over their surprise about my vocation as a twin therapist, they ask all sorts of questions and tell me interesting stories about twins. I particularly loved an interaction I had with a woman who has seven-year-old fraternal twin grandsons. She told me how upset she had been when her daughter-in-law and son decided to put the boys in separate kindergarten classes. While she wisely did not share her disapproval of this decision with the boys’ parents, […]
